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Attention HIDOE Principals

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Attention HIDOE Principals,

Aloha and welcome back to school from all of us at Hawai’i Council for Exceptional Children (HICEC)! As you enter into another school year, I wanted to reach out and let you know that Hawaii CEC is here to help you. 

As we navigate the new school year, we hope that you turn to HI CEC for support, community, and connection! Below are a few items we hope that you can reference quickly and easily throughout the term:

  1. Take advantage of our new collaboration and networking online community, the Hawai'i CECommunity! Pose questions to your peers, ask for support, recommend PD opportunities, share job postings, offer your expertise, and build new connections! You can also engage with all CEC members in the All-Member Forum
  2. Use the CEC Learning Library for over 175 on-demand courses/webinars with new additions monthly! Filter by topic of interest for each member.
  3. Explore professional development programs to dive into a specific topic.
  4. CEC is offering their newest Effective & High-Leverage Practices for Paraeducators for FREE
  5. Engage with your peers at a CEC online or in-person event
  6. Consider volunteering and create your volunteer profile!
  7. Looking for relevant PD for your special educators? Sign up with interest at

If I can be of any assistance to you as you enter into the new school year, please do not hesitate to contact me at [email protected]. We are looking forward to the year ahead with you and hope to see you soon!  

Posted:  1 August, 2023
Derek Govin
Author: Derek Govin

Hawaii CEC President

Derek Govin is a former special education teacher where he served students with extensive needs including intellectual disabilities, autism, and multiple disabilities in middle...

Read more from Derek Govin

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