HICEC on Capitol Hill
HICEC recently visited Capitol Hill to meet with staffers for Senator Hirono and Senator Schatz to discuss the recently re-introduced IDEA Full Funding Act, education appropriations, teacher shortages, and mental health. Contextualized information and stories from Hawaii's classrooms were shared to paint the picture of special education in the state.
Write to Senator Schatz and encourage him to cosponsor the IDEA Full Funding Act! https://www.schatz.senate.gov/contact/share-your-thoughts/form
Write to Representative Case and encourage him to cosponsor the IDEA Full Funding Act! https://case.house.gov/contact/
Write to Representative Tokuda and encourage her to cosponsor the IDEA Full funding Act! https://tokuda.house.gov/contact
Below is a sample email you may use and please give your personal insight on the issue as well.
Hello <Senator/Representative <last name>>,
My name is <your name> and I am a member of the Hawaii Council for Exceptional Children. <insert personal/professional information>
I am writing to you regarding IDEA Full Funding Act which was recently reintroduced by Senator Chris Van Hollen (D-Md.) and Representative Jared Huffman (D-Calif.) I urge you to cosponsor this bill to change the narrative of special education not only in the state of Hawai'i, but nationally. The profession of special education is in crisis in it's current state and we need your help.
<add personal information/experiences/stories>
Thank you for your time and consideration in taking action on this most important matter.
Respectfully, <insert name>
Photo below: Hawaii CEC Secretary Natalia Sandoval and President Derek Govin after meeting with the staff for Senator Brian Schatz.